The sun rays falling on his face through the window. The smile he gets every time he looks at me. His fingers running across my face, looking for stray hair. The feeling of peace that engulfs my heart when I'm with him. All of that leaves me enchanted. All you want to do is look at him. All day. Hold his hand. Have the silly smile on and sketch your future with him. Feel happy. Feel happy with him..
The twinkle in his eyes when he says "I love you". The sound of his heart beat when I put my head on his chest. The feel of his hand on my face. The way he hugs me when I'm in tears..comforting me..giving me strength..
The longing to see him in the middle of the night. Thanking God for him. Every flawless emotion. That makes my heart skip a beat..
It all leaves me Enchanted..
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