Usually we take life for granted. We hurt the people we love..we do things we're not proud of..but what we don't do is learn lessons..take some time out of our supposedly busy lives and be grateful for what we have. We do take our life for granted.
Why is it that the importance of life strikes us only when we lose someone? Why can't we be thankful when we have everything and not when we lose something? I guess it's just human nature. We only think about what we don't or can't have rather than what makes us who we are..what we do have. It's only when we get a blow to the head that our whole life flashes infront of our eyes. Why can't we just love and respect life when we have it?
I've always been inspired by Jim Carrey's dialogue in Bruce Almighty, when he says, "Life is B-E-A-Utiful". It inspires me because life is beautiful, only when you're willing to see what life really is. All we need to do is be grateful, for waking up every morning, be grateful to God and have faith in Him. He gives us all that we need and nothing more. So next time, when you feel as if you don't have something, know that it's for your own good, because He knows what's good for you. All we can do is love and appreciate the life He's given us. Because life is too short. Stay happy, stay light because life is beautiful, it's radiant, and so full of life.
Miracles are all around us, if only we would just notice..
P.S: Thanks for reading this!
Stay Happy! Stay Light!